Still no baby...
I know, it is still early. I'm officially 38 weeks pregnant as of Sunday. So, she could come anytime from this point forward. I found out that I am 1 cm dilated as of Friday. My doctor told me that she doesn't want me going past my due date. In other words, she'd like to schedule inducement sometime during my 39th week. We'll see what happens at this Friday's appointment. I've been getting contractions still. Some intense, but nothing too painful or long. Nor are they close enough for me to be considered in labor.
Alright, so what did I do if I didn't have the baby yet. Saturday, I had a prenatal massage. That was very relaxing and an interesting experience for me (it was my first massage ever). We did some shopping for last minute baby and hospital essentials. I washed all of Melayna's clothes and packed her diaper bag for the hospital. Next goal: pack my bag for the hospital and pack Tristan's bag for Grandpa's.
In the meantime, we got some interesting snapshots of Tristan.
Scott must have worn him out on Friday. He fell asleep partially standing up.
A close-up...
We got this magnadoodle thing at Wal-mart this weekend. We figure it would be a great thing for Tristan to have...use less paper, make less mess, it's all good.
I asked him what he was drawing as I took the pictures. Here are two of the many he drew.
This one is a "girl"
Okay this was just too funny. I was trying to make his hair stand up with the suds in it. When I asked him to smile for the camera, he gave me this big, cheesy grin! LOL
Alrighty, well I must be going. I'm tired and worn out. Just think how I'll be in a week or two with a newborn and Bubbies to look after. It'll be tough.
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