Sunday Funnies
One thing you get used to becoming a parent is the amount of gross and disgusting things you can tolerate. Boogies, poopy diapers, and a child's constant curiosity can make most people gag and cringe. But as a parent, you sort of become immune to it.
Earlier this week, Scott had a very bad day of stomach sickness. I knew what would follow. Me and the children, sick to our stomachs, puking and fevers, doctor's visits for the kiddos, or at least I was sure of it. I felt sick the following day, but nothing serious. Tristan, perfectly fine. Melayna, on the other hand, was fussy and irritable. She felt warm and clammy. She perspired a lot, too. So, before we decided to take her in to the doctor's I checked her temperature. Now, call me old fashion, but I don't trust those ear thermometers, the fever strips, or under the arm. The best method of taking a baby's temperature is through the rear end. I've had friends look at me funny for doing it that way, but I want to be sure I'm getting an accurate reading.
So, I'm on the floor, checking her temperature, when all of a sudden she just farts and sprays me with poop. It was all over, even on my face. All I could really be thankful mouth wasn't open at the time. Scott was there to witness this horrific act. A brief pause was followed by our laughter. As disgusting as it was, I found it quite hilarious.
Now, did you think I learned my lesson? Oh, no. She wasn't running a temperature then, but a few hours later, I thought I'd check her since she was still warm and clammy. Let's just say, I got pooped on twice in one day.
Well, if that doesn't make you smile (or laugh), this might. This isn't to take a stab at bloggers, because I'd be taking a stab at myself. I found this website,, with all sorts of demotivational posters, despair-wear, and DIY posters. You should also view their videos, I found them pretty entertaining. Anyway, I saw this poster and laughed at it. I have to say that for some this is so true (maybe even for me - my audience is quite small).
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